Будьте бдительны! Оплачивайте проживание в отеле только через форму бронирования. Attention! Pay for your stay at the hotel only through the booking form.
Address: 32-34, letter B,
Nevsky Prospect, Saint-Petersburg
Contract of a public offer

Contract of a public offer


St. Petersburg
April 01, 2023

The present Offer is an official, public, irrevocable offer of the Individual Entrepreneur Zelenetskaya Ekaterina Alexandrovna (TAX ID number 780532883420, OGRNIP 323470400012447), hereinafter referred to as “Supplier”, made in conformity with Cl.2 Art.437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, to any natural person or legal entity, willing to use temporary accommodation services  in the rooms of the Grand Catherine Palace Hotel, hereinafter referred to as “Hotel”, located at No.32-34, Liter Б, Nevsky Prospect, St. Petersburg, 191186, to conclude a Contract based on the following terms and conditions.

1. Conclusion of the Contract.

1.1. Public Offer, specified in the present Contract, goes into effect immediately after it is published on the website of the Individual Entrepreneur Zelenetskaya E.A. https://grandcatherinepalace.com/ and stays valid until it’s revoked.

1.2. Payment of an invoice, issued by Supplier, by a natural person or legal entity in the order specified in the present Contract of a Public Offer, including payment of the invoice by a third party (Art.313 of the Sivil Code of the Russian Federation) means full and unconditional acceptance of the present Public Offer, in conformity with Cl.1 Art.433 and Cl.3 Art.433 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and conclusion of the contract between the person, specified in the paid invoice, issued by Supplier, and Supplier on the conditions stipulated in the present Public Offer. In conformity with Cl.3 Art.434 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the present Contract is considered concluded in writing.

1.3. With conclusion of the Contract, natural person or legal entity, specified in the paid invoice, issued by Supplier, becomes a party to the Contract, hereinafter referred to as “Customer”.

1.4. The present Contract is considered concluded from the moment of its acceptance and stays valid until both parties fulfill their respective obligations under the present Contract.

1.5. By making steps to accept the present Contract of a Public Offer, Customer confirms its legal capacity and capability, as well as its legal right to enter into contractual relationship with Supplier.

Definition of Terms

Rooms/services booking request – a written document sent by Customer to Supplier in order to book accommodation and/or other services for a specified period and on certain conditions. Rooms/services booking request is to be sent by fax or by e-mail to the fax number or e-mail address stated in CI.10 of the present Contract; alternatively, booking can be made online on the website of Supplier.

Booking confirmation – a written document drawn up by Supplier according to Customer's request, in regards to which Supplier gave a written consent to provide accommodation and/or other services for a period of time and on conditions, specified in the booking request. Booking confirmation is to be sent to Customer by fax or by e-mail to the fax number or e-mail address stated in CI.10 of the present Contract.

Hotel services – services connected with accommodation at the hotel, hotel stay and other accompanying services, provided by Supplier to Customer in conformity with the Rules for Provision of Hotel Services in the Russian Federation (approved by Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 18.11.2020 No.1853 (with amendments of 11.07.2020, Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No.1036), other legal acts as well as “Grand Catherine Palace Hotel” policies.

Hotel – building located at No.32-34, Liter B, Nevsky Prospect, St. Petersburg, 191186.

Website of Supplier – Supplier’s website at https://grandcatherinepalace.com/.

Reception – Hotel lobby with a reception counter, located on the ground floor near the main entrance to the hotel. It’s a workplace of a receptionist, a place to check-in and check-out, as well as a place where verbal and written Customer’s requests are received.

2. Subject of the Contract

2.1. Supplier provides, and Customer accepts and pays for temporary accommodation in the rooms of the Grand Catherine Palace Hotel (hereinafter referred to as “Hotel”), located at No.32-34, Liter B, Nevsky Prospect, St. Petersburg, 191186, as per below mentioned time frames and conditions, stipulated by the present Contract.

2.2. Information on Supplier and the services provided, as well as prices of hotel services are stated in the price list for services and accommodation at the “Grand Catherine Palace Hotel”, displayed in the customer corner in the hotel lobby on the ground floor and at the website https://grandcatherinepalace.com/.

3. Rights and Obligations of Parties:

3.1. Supplier undertakes to:

3.1.1. Provide Customer with a temporary accommodation for a specified period at the confirmed price.

3.1.2. Neither transfer nor show Customer’s information and documents available to Supplier to third parties.

3.1.3. Provide Customer in a timely fashion with full and reliable information on hotel services in order to guarantee an opportunity to make a right choice.

3.1.4. Convey to Customer a list of services included in room rate/bed rate.

3.1.5. Provide Customer without surcharge with the following services:

- An ambulance call;

- Use of a First Aid Kit;

- Delivery of correspondence to guest rooms upon its receipt;

- Wake-up call;

- Boiled water, sewing kit, a set of dishes and cutlery.

3.1.6. Provide additional paid services with prior express consent of Customer.

3.2. Supplier is entitled to:

3.2.1. Request Customer to present an identification document at check-in.

3.2.2. Request Customer to strictly follow the procedures for booking hotel services as per the rules set forth on Supplier’s website and in the present Offer.

3.2.3. Request Customer to fully consent to the terms and conditions set forth in the present Offer; refuse to provide services to Customer without the latter’s consent to the terms and conditions set forth in the present Offer.

3.2.4. Request Customer to fully pay for hotel services, as well as for additional services rendered to Customer.

3.2.5. Provide instead of earlier confirmed hotel rooms, in exceptional circumstances, other rooms of the same category at no additional charge.

3.2.6. Enter hotel room occupied by Customer, without consent of the Customer in order to clean the room or perform technical works, in case of smoke or fire detection, water overflow, as well as in case of violation by Customer of the present Contract, public order and procedures for use of household appliances.

3.2.7. Create a commission, compile a list of Customer’s possessions, take possessions out of the room, if Customer is absent from the room for 2 hours after the check-out time. Left behind personal belongings are kept at the hotel for 6 months. Exception is made for perishable and low-value items.

3.2.8. Enlist the services of the third parties in order to provide the services for the purpose of implementation of the present Contract.

3.3. Customer undertakes to:

3.3.1. Familiarize themselves with rules of stay, rules for provision of hotel services, the present Contract, other internal documents connected with provision of requested services.

3.3.1. Pay for the services pursuant to the terms and conditions of the present Contract.

3.3.2. Treat Supplier’s property with care and reimburse its cost as per the price list in case of damage.

3.3.3. Reimburse the cost of a key /RBL 100/, if the latter is lost by Customer.

3.3.4. Take full responsibility for the visitors, invited to the hotel room during Customer’s hotel stay.

3.3.5. Present valid identification document. / For the citizens of the Russian Federation – passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or other document, approved by the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No.173. For the citizens of other states – valid passport, visa and migration card.

3.3.6. Keep the sound of the audio and video equipment low and not make any other noise from 23:00 till 08:00.

3.3.7. Observe the rules of the Hotel stay, fire safety rules, rules of use of domestic electrical appliances as well as conditions stipulated by the present Contract, while staying at the Hotel.

3.3.8. Check-out of the hotel in time, pay damages caused by incomplete property (property loss) or property damage (where applicable), make payment as per valid price list for damages to property.

3.3.9. Read on their own about the types of services, prices of services and conditions of their provision on the website of Supplier as well as at the Hotel. Provide in timely manner all the necessary reliable information (Customer’s full name, passport details, accurate mailing address, telephone number, e-mail address, required by Supplier in order to efficiently contact Customer) and original documents required by Supplier in order to provide services.

3.3.10. Make sure, before leaving the hotel room, that the door and windows are locked, electric light and electrical appliances are turned off.

3.4. Customer is entitled to:

3.4.1. Request Supplier to provide full and accurate information on the hotel category and location as well as on the hotel services.

3.4.2. Amend and cancel confirmed bookings in conformity with the terms and conditions of the present Contract.

3.4.3. Extend accommodation beyond the paid period, having agreed it with Supplier. In order to do that Customer is to advise receptionist about it not later than 2 hours before the check-out time. Supplier can confirm extension, provided there are rooms available and if it does not exceed 60 nights.

4. Payments

4.1. Nightly cost of temporary accommodation services is specified in the “Nightly Cost” column (if payment is made by the third party, room rate may be omitted).

4.2. Tariff is indicated in rubles; VAT is not applicable.

4.3. Payment is to be made before provision of services.

4.4. Prices of additional services are regulated by additional price list.

4.5. In case of partial or complete cancellation of the services paid for after service commencement date, or in case of non-use of the funds paid for the hotel services earlier, refund is provided as follows:

- if cancellation is made more than 24 hours prior to the service commencement date, full refund is provided;

- if cancellation is made less than 24 hours prior to the service commencement date, late cancellation fee amounting to one-night accommodation cost at the contracted rate is charged.

4.6. In connection with the implementation of the Federal Law “On Migration Registration of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons in the Russian Federation”, foreign citizens are charged a fee of BRL250 for a courier registration service per stay.

If a foreign citizen checks out of the Hotel earlier than originally planned, registration service is considered provided and registration fee is not refunded.

5. Accommodation Terms

5.1. Standard check-in time – 14:00.

5.2. Standard check-out time – 12:00.

5.3. In the event of a delay in checking out, the following surcharges apply:

- check-out before 18:00 on departure day – 50% of the last night contracted rate;

- check-out after 18:00 on departure day – 100% of the last night contracted rate.

5.4. Extended stay is subject to availability.

5.5. Visitors may remain in guest rooms from 08:00 till 23:00. Visitors remaining in guest rooms after 23:00 are considered hotel guests and have to present valid identification document as well as pay for hotel accommodation according to the category of room.

5.6. At the moment of check-in, Customer does not have any claims against hotel property.

6. Responsibilities of the parties

6.1. Parties bear responsibility for non-performance or improper performance of their obligations under the Contract in conformity with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.2. Supplier is not responsible if either Supplier itself or the third parties did not perform their obligations or performed them improperly due to inaccuracy or insufficiency of supporting information and documents provided by the Customer; or due to a delay in presenting supporting information and documents committed by the Customer; or due to other violations of the terms and conditions, stipulated in the present Contract of a Public Offer, committed by the Customer.

6.3. Supplier is not liable to Customer for the quality of the communal services provided. However, Supplier is obliged to provide objective information about the works, planned by the city services and resource-supplying organizations, that can affect the quality of the communal services provided.

6.4. Customer represents the interests of all the people specified in the booking request and is personally responsible to Supplier for the correctness of their personal information, furnished in the booking request, as well as for fulfilment of all obligations, including obligations to pay for the services booked, by all the people listed in the booking request.

6.5. Supplier is not responsible for Customer’s money, other currency values, securities and valuables left behind in the room or forgotten, except for the items left in the in-room safe. If any left-behind items are discovered, administration of the hotel immediately notifies the owner of the items of the discovery. If the person, who is entitled to claim forgotten items, or whereabouts of that person are unknown, Supplier reports the find to the police.

6.6. Disputes arising from the execution of the present Contract are to be resolved in the relevant court at the location of Supplier. Pre-trial dispute resolution is mandatory. Claim response time – 10 calendar days from receipt of the claim.

6.7. All other issues that are not covered by the present Contract of a Public Offer are subject to the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

7. Force Majeure Circumstances

7.1. Parties are exempted from liability for full or partial non-performance of their obligations under the Contract, if such non-performance is caused by force majeure circumstances. Force majeure circumstances include natural disasters (floods, fires, earthquakes, etc), wars, strikes, revolutions, terrorist acts, pandemics, actions and acts of state and municipal bodies, as well as other circumstances that Parties could neither foresee nor prevent by all prudent means.

7.2 The Party that failed to perform its obligations due to force majeure circumstances is obliged to notify the other Party about the onset of such circumstances within 1 (one) working day and present written confirmation issued by an authorized body (if any) within 10 (ten) working days. Failing this, the Party loses its right to refer to such circumstances in connection with non-performance of its obligations under the present Contract in order to be exempted from liability.

7.3 If force majeure circumstances arise, deadline for performing contractual obligations by the Party is postponed proportionately to the time during which force majeure circumstances occur, unless otherwise follows from the nature of the obligation.

7.4. The Party that cannot properly fulfil its contractual obligations due to force majeure circumstances, is obliged to make all reasonable efforts to remedy the situation and resume performance of contractual obligations with the least possible delay.

7.5. The Party that is subject to force majeure circumstances is obliged to notify the other Party of the termination of force majeure circumstances within 3 (three) working days of such termination and resume performance of obligations under the present Contract.

8. Personal Data Protection

8.1. In conformity with Section 2 Article 6 of the Federal Law of 27 July, 2006, No.152-FZ “On Personal Data”, processing of personal data of Customer is carried out with the purpose of fulfilment of the present Contract to which Customer is a Party. Customer personal data must not be disclosed except for the cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.2. Supplier undertakes to use all Customer personal data, indicated by the latter at registration and in the process of making a booking request, solely in order to register the sale of relevant services, make Customer identification and provide Customer support, as well as transfer data to the authorized bodies for migration registration of foreign citizens (in conformity with the Federal Law “On Migration Registration of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons in the Russian Federation” of 18 July, 2006, No 109-FZ) and migration registration of the citizens of the Russian Federation (in conformity with the Government Regulations of 17.07.1995 No713 “On Confirmation of the Rules for Registration and Deregistration of Citizens of the Russian Federation at a Place of Stay and at a Place of Residence in the Territory of the Russian Federation, and of a List of Persons Responsible for Reception and Transmission of Documents, Required for Registration and Deregistration of Citizens of the Russian Federation at a Place of Stay and at a Place of Residence in the Territory of the Russian Federation, to the Migration Authorities”).

Customer agrees to provide personal data and requests Supplier to commission Joint-Stock Company “PF “SKB Kontur” (Legal address: No.56, Kosmonavtov Street, Ekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region, 620017; Tax ID number 6663003127) to process personal data and transfer it to the authorized bodies.

Supplier undertakes never to use Customer personal data for unauthorized distribution of materials not relevant to the services provided by Supplier.

8.3. On concluding the present Contract, Customer agrees to automated as well as to non-automated processing of personal data (surname, first name, patronymic (if any), birth information, place of registration, aim of visit, information on hotel stay, passport details or details of any other identification document; contact information: phone number, e-mail address, etc.; bank card details provided to Individual Entrepreneur Zelenetskaya E.A. hotel «Grand Catherine Palace Hotel») with the aim of collecting, recording, systematizing, accumulating, storing, clarifying (updating, changing), extracting, using, transferring (distributing, providing, accessing), depersonalizing, blocking, removing, destructing, registering at a place of stay, keeping records of hotel rooms, ensuring Customer safety, providing hotel services. The present consent is valid during the whole period of hotel stay of the Customer and can be withdrawn anytime by written request.

9. Amendment and Termination of the Contract

9.1. The present Contract goes into effect upon its conclusion (acceptance of offer) and is effective until the complete fulfilment of contractual obligations by the Parties.

9.2. Customer is entitled to cancel the services of Supplier anytime. Cancellation made by the Customer entails termination of all obligations of Supplier to Customer as of such cancellation.  

9.3. Supplier is entitled to unilaterally terminate the present Contract.

9.4. Supplier is entitled to amend terms and conditions of the present Contract and its Addendums, introduce new Addendums to the present Contract without prior notice. Acknowledging the possibility of such changes, Customer agrees that they will be made. If Customer continues to use the services of Supplier after such changes, it means that Customer agrees with them.

10. Addresses and Bank Details


Individual Entrepreneur Zelenetskaya Ekaterina Alexandrovna

Legal address: No.7, Berezovaya Roshcha 1st line street, s. Kobralovo, Gatchinsky District, Leningrad Region, 188325.
Physical address: No.32-34, Liter B, Nevsky Pr. St. Petersburg, 191186

Tax ID number 780532883420

OGRNIP 323470400012447
Bank account 40802810155000416195

Correspondent account 30101810500000000653

BIC 044030653

PJSC Sberbank

Phone: +7 (812) 655-66-57

E-mail: hotel@grandcatherinepalace.com

Site: https://grandcatherinepalace.com/